Anastasios Matsopoulos  Ph.D.  (State University of New York, USA)

Professor Matsopoulos is a permanently certified school psychologist in New York State, US since 1991 and has worked as full time school psychologist at the Schalmont School District, Schenectady, New York. He has taught as full-time Professor at The College of St. Rose, NY and the Psy.D. of the Fairleigh Dickinson University in NJ, US. (1997-2001). Since 2002, is a tenured Assistant Professor of School Psychology at the University of Crete (Greece), Depart. of Preschool Education. He is the Director/Scientific Coordinator of School Psychology Research Unit at the University of Crete Research Center (UCRC). Prof. Matsopoulos has extensive experience with European programs experience. He has participated in the following European programs as scientific coordinator for the University of Crete:

  • Erasmus + RESCUR 2012-2015 Resilience Curriculum “Surfing the Waves”
  • Erasmus +ENRETE (2016-2018) “Enhancing Resilience in Teacher Education”
  • Horizon2020 RECRIRE (2015-2018) The Representation of the Crisis and the Crisis of the Representation.
  • Horizon2020 Rayuela-Empowering and Educating young people for the Internet (2021-2023) in collaboration with Ellinogermaniki Agogi.

Professor Matsopoulos has been the external quality assurance executive evaluator for European Project P.R.E.P.E.I which was coordinated by the Smile of the Child (2019).The School Psychology Research Unit has signed a MOU with NGO the Smile of the Child (2016-2018) and Prof. Matsopoulos has provided training and supervisor of psychologists in the school prevention programs. Also, the School Psychology Research Unit has signed an MOU with the European School of Hrakleion, Crete for years 2021-2024.

Dr. Matsopoulos’ scholarly interests are focusing on prevention science, resilience, parent training, teacher consultee-centered consultation, early intervention and international school psychology. Also Dr. Matsopoulos has published in school readiness and preschool children as well as teacher evaluation.

Dr. Matsopoulos is a co-author of the “RESCUR-Surfing the Waves: A Resilience Curriculum for Early Years and Primary Schools”. He has co-edited with Prof. Suniya Luthar a special issue “Parents, caregivers, educators: The forgotten stakeholders in the discussion of Resilience_An international perspective (2020). His latest book is entitled Growth Resilience Ecosystemic Consultation (G.R.E.CO) for Teachers (2022).

Since 2017, Dr. Matsopoulos is the Co-Chair of the International School Psychology Association interest group “Parent Education and Family Resilience”. In the last 30 years, Dr. Matsopoulos has trained school psychologists, teachers and preschool teachers in countries such as Latvia, Canada, Cyprus, Greece, Italy and USA. In addition, Dr. Matsopoulos has been working as international consultant to research projects in India, Peru and Brazil.  Finally, he is the Acting President of the Hellenic School Psychology Association-HASP (2021). Professor Matsopoulos has been included on the international documentary “Freedom Beseiged” directed by Panagiotis Giannikos (2017).

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  • Gallos University Campus, Rethymno, ΤΚ 74100
  • 28310-77100 , 28310-77102

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